Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Walking on Stars

When signing onto Facebook. it becomes very evident by reading statuses that it is "Thankful November". While I love reading everyone's daily giving of thanks, I have never personally made the effort to post a daily thanks. I began thinking this week that there are so many things I am thankful for and yet I do not proclaim them. So, tonight's blog is my top ten things (no particular order) I have to be truly grateful to my God for, because it is with Him I feel like I am "walking on stars". 

1. My God and my salvation.
     ~If I did not have my personal relationship with my Christ, I would not have survived this roller coaster we call life.

2. My husband and son.
     ~I am so grateful for my husband who supports me through life and lifts me up when I need. Through the six years we have been married we have seen our share of good times and bad times. Nothing has compared, though, to the lessons we have learned together during this season's of adventure we have had together.  We have learned more than ever to trust and lean on the God we share and depend on.
     ~Our son that we were blessed with three and a half years ago is such a blessing to us. God gave us such a gift when he allowed him to come into our lives. I love the laughter and motivation I get out of having him in our lives.

3. Music
     ~God has always used music to speak to me. From old church hymns to contemporary praise and worship to Christian rock, I love how it can inspire me, motivate me, and teach me.

4. My parents
     ~My momma and daddy have always been there for me and my family. For 28 years they continue to encourage me, support me and love me.

5. Running
     ~Running has become my own personal therapy. I always seem to gain a new perspective on things when I'm running....or in some cases, maintain my perspective.

6. My prayer warriors
     ~I couldn't imagine going through trials and tests in my life if it wasn't for one of my dearest friends, my aunt and my mom to lean on for prayer.

7.  My Christian friends
     ~God blessed me with some amazing Christian friends who I don't have to explain hardships to that God uses in our lives, because they understand.

8. My orange running shoes
     ~When I'm running, all I need to do sometimes is look down. My bright orange shoes brighten my smile simply because they're fun! They remind me of my wonderful husband and son...both of which LOVE orange :)

9. Having a friend who is an experienced runner
     ~She knows why I started running and encouraged me to sign up for my first 5K. I'm so grateful to have her pushing me along in this journey and support me.

10. Heartache & Laughter
     ~Yes, I put these two together...If we didn't have some heartaches in life we wouldn't turn to God for strength. If we didn't have laughter, we wouldn't be able to laugh at ourselves, with each other and simply enjoy life!

Colossians 3:16-18

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Heart song

Micah's new favorite song in the last couple of weeks has been Matt Redman's "Never Let Go". He will go around the house with his play guitar and shout "OH NO! Never let go! Through the calm...through the storm!" He asks us atleast once a day to pull the song up on our phones so he can see the video and hear the words. This just absolutely thrills me to pieces. Chris and I want nothing more than to raise our son in a Christ-centered home and hope he has the same passion for our Savior as we have.

This song has always been one of my favorites and I will sing right along with Micah. However, it wasn't until today that I realized how much truth the words hold in my life as this time. I mentioned in my last post about my car accident that started an eighth month long whirl-wind. It's been one that has taught me strenght in patience and trust in His timing. The day that car came speeding at me out-of-control, I was terrified. But, in the same instance I was very aware of how blessed I was. Thankfully, I was leaving my internship and on my way to pick up Micah. God built my body to be able to sustain the impact and let nothing break. More importantly, God allowed me to not have Micah in the car at that time.

Looking back at that specific rock in our path in life, we have realized how much of a blessing in disguise that wreck truly was. I have since graduated and been set on this roller-coaster of emotion, otherwise known as job hunting. God offered a financial means of survival through that wreck while I have been out of work.  My God had His plan already set out for me the day I graduated with my Masters and began pursuing my license. He prepared a heart in me to work with a population that is dear to my heart. He also knew that it would not be an easy start, and has continued to test the very patience He has taught me about all summer long.

As I leave you with the full chorus to Matt Redman's song, I pray you can find as much peace in them as I do.

"Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me"

Now when I think of the words that Micah will go around the house singing to, I have a sense of comfort and peace. I know God has a path for me to follow and do the great things in my career He prepared my heart for. It doesn't always make waiting for that job easy, but I believe in the words to the chorus. I know that with every job I submit my resume to, every interview I go on and every job I get turned down for, that I have Him walking along with me through every calm and storm of it all.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fix Me?

"Everywhere you go, I wanna go, will you take me with you?
Everywhere you lead, I wanna be by your side."
~Third Day

Tonight was one of the best runs I have had in my 5K training. I ran the longest and most consistent I have since beginning this program. I believe this partly to be due to the fact I did my run on the treadmill due to weather. This really got me thinking "why"? How can there be such a difference in my performance when I change the course of my terrain? When I run on the treadmill, my pace is so much more consistent, I am not as winded, and I can actually focus better. There is, of course, a simple explanation. You see, on a treadmill, there is a surface beneath me that is continually moving and I do not have the option to simply stop. I could always turn the button that magically allows the momentum to cease, however, I feel so accomplished and free when I am on that treadmill and smoothly running right along. This made me think of my relationship with God. You see, running has been a form of therapy for me. It all started eight months ago when I was in a wreck after someone crashed into me head-on. While it seemed like a mere incident I encountered as part of my life, it was so much more. It was a starting point in my life that would only be the beginning of an eight month and counting journey.

God had a plan the day that woman crashed into me. If it wasn't for my Savior, I would not be able to keep pushing through and looking to Him for the strength and understanding I need to trust Him. My journey with Him is like my relationship with my treadmill. Much like the treadmill keeps me going and allows me to keep my running pace, God does the same. I could not keep pushing forward on this path if I didn't have Him pushing me along and reminding me He's got my back. 

I've been running now for 5 weeks with a two week break where I had to switch to bike riding in order to prevent a further knee injury. I have come to look forward to (most) of my runs each night they approach. In the 30 minutes I am training, I have come to develop my own "quiet-time" with God. It amazes me how much I learn during this time and what all He chooses to show me. The number one thing he has taught me comes from  1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it". I have learned that temptation can mean so many things. Just in my running alone, I could've given up during the first week I began training. I could've given up and told myself that my knee will never be strong enough to run. However, I was given a "way out" to endure that temptation to give up. It was as simple as a bike ride. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, God has invited me to walk along with Him in this journey. Every time I run, He shows me so much! Another reason I enjoy training on my treadmill is the view I have. It may sound dull...and it really is. But, while I am being lost in the music on my playlist and listening to God speak to my heart, I have the view of the door that goes back into our house from the garage. It's a standard door, nothing fancy. What I see, though, is the outline of a cross. It reminds me of what I am pushing onward for, and most importantly, Who I am pushing on with.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Be still

"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:19

I've heard my whole life to learn the patience it takes to be obedient to this scripture. It's never been a doubt in my mind that as Christians, we must take time out of our hectic lives to follow this particular piece of God's word. However, I never truly understood the impact it could have until the last six months. So many trials and temptations have arose in my life to test my faith and build my patience in my relationship with God. Through it all, He has continued to use circumstances that we often would see as devastating and reasons to give up, and turned them around to show me that I am not walking in this life alone. He has asked me to walk along with Him in this life and He'll show me multitudes of blessings along the way.

The best decision I have made in life is to say "Yes, I will follow matter where the path may lead, I will follow".  I hope you will follow with me as well in my journey and come to see what all God can do.

~Shara Kay